Visa Age English Investment Business Points Reside Nominate Extension Process Experience Qualification Activity Other VAC PIC
Subclass at time Test 3yrs


sc188 <55yrs IELTS Sufficient

at least Invite +

Reg 5.19E sc491/494 $4 115 4005
Entrepreneur Waiver min 6 in each Pers. & Bus

2 yrs State/Ter. N/A Not

LIN16/075 held 2nd VAC

by Nom. Comp Eng Assets N/A N/A
Available N/A N/A excl: at least if no

except. Reg 5.15C allowing

labour Hire for 3 yrs Func. Eng

econ. Ben.

Res Prop
$9 795

[2nd install

Buy Bus

$9 800 if no



sc188 <55yrs Functional E. Sch 7A.7 Sch 7A.8 Sch 7A demo Invite + Yes
overall Sch 7A.4 establish sc491/494 $6 085
Business Waiver IELTS NAV of appl T/O of bus 65 points need to State/Ter. if held 30 - 33 success Trade 5 pts owner interest held 2nd VAC
Innovation by Nom. avge score and spouse held ownership LIN12/041 reside Nom. sc188 months bus career Degree 10 pts & participate at least if no 4005

except. 4.5 in each of 2yrs in at least 2 of
in Aus
at least
2 of last 4yrs
in qualifying for 3 yrs Func. Eng

econ. Ben. not older b4 invitation last 4yrs b4 inv.

Sch 7A.10 3 yrs
bus with Sch 7A.9 business
$9 795 4007

than 12mths $1 250 000 5 pts $750 000 5pts

Endorsem. One Ext
T/O $750 000 patents 15pts in Aus.

for ext.

Sch 7A.2 LIN 15/004 $1 750 000 10pts $1 250 000 15pts

10pts only (2yrs)
Net Assets exports 15pts Excludes:

18-25 20pts
$2 250 000 25pts $1 750 000 25pts


$1 250 000 growth 10pts Speculation Assets

25-33 30pts Sch 7A.3 $2 750 000 35pts $2 250 000 35pts


ven. Cap 10pts Property Rental Lawfully

33-40 25pts min 5 in each


joint ven 5pts Passive Invest. aquired

40-45 20pts 5 points

Reg1.03 transfer

45-55 15pts min 7 in each

Sch 7A.5

10 points

held business
2 years

4 out of 5yrs 10pts

[2nd install

7 out of 8yrs 15pts

$9 800 if no



sc188 <55yrs Functional E. Sch 7A.7 Sch 7A.8 Sch 7A at least Invite +

overall Sch 7A.4 Funds to make sc491/494 $6 085
Investor Waiver IELTS NAV of appl T/O of bus 65 points 2 yrs State/Ter. N/A 33 - 34 success Trade 5 pts designated held 2nd VAC 4005

by Nom. avge score and spouse held ownership LIN12/041
months in eligible Degree 10 pts investments at least if no

except. 4.5 in each of 2yrs in at least 2 of

must be: for 3 yrs Func. Eng

econ. Ben. not older b4 invitation last 4yrs b4 inv.

or qualifying Sch 7A.9 Unencumbered
$9 795

than 12mths $1 250 000 5 pts $750 000 5pts

Sch 7A.10

business patents 15pts and

Sch 7A.2 LIN 15/004 $1 750 000 10pts $1 250 000 15pts


activity exports 15pts accumulated

18-25 20pts
$2 250 000 25pts $1 750 000 25pts


growth 10pts from:

25-33 30pts Sch 7A.3 $2 750 000 35pts $2 250 000 35pts


at least 3yrs ven. Cap 10pts Qualifying Bus

33-40 25pts min 5 in each


Experience joint ven 5pts or

40-45 20pts 5 points Required


of direct
Eligible Inv

45-55 15pts min 7 in each Investment of

involvement Sch 7A.6 Activity

10 points $2 500 000




NAV of appl


and spouse


[2nd install in each of 2yrs

of $250 000

$9 800 if no b4 invitation

not less than

functional $2 500 000

4yrs 10pts


7yrs 15pts

sc188 No Functional E.

40 day/yr Invite + Yes

$8 925
Significant Age Limit IELTS Required N/A N/A for State/Ter. if held 19 - 28 N/A N/A must comply
2nd VAC 4005
avge score Investment of

Primary or sc188 months

if no

4.5 $5 000 000

Applicant Austrade at least

Func. Eng

not older to be held for

180d/yr Nom. 3 yrs

$9 795

than 12mths at least

for Secd.
Two Ext of

LIN 15/004 4 years

b4 apply
2yrs each

for PR

[2nd install

$9 800 if no

