Other Family Visas
Visa Visa Age Balance Assurance At time At Time VAC VAC VAC Period Waiting Bridging Other Health Condition Other
type sc
of Family Support of Applic of Grant 1st Install 2nd Instal Total Valid Period Visa

Aged Dependant 838 N/A N/A AOS Onshore Onshore 4425 2065 6490 5yrs 50yrs BVA sponsor 4005 Nil

114 N/A N/A Bond Offshore Offshore 4425 2065 6490 5yrs 50yrs N/A sponsor 4005 8515


Remaining 835 N/A N/A AOS Onshore Onshore 4425 2065 6490 5yrs 50yrs BVA sponsor 4005

Relative 115 N/A N/A Bond Offshore Offshore 4425 2065 6490 5yrs 50yrs N/A sponsor 4005